JIM grech

CEO of Peabody energy

As the President and CEO of Peabody Energy, Jim Grech is responsible for the alleged crimes of bribery, crimes against future generations and the Earth, crimes against workers, and fraud. Under his leadership, Peabody Energy continues as the United States' largest coal producer through dangerous mining practices that have been ignored in the past. Jim Grech has overseen hundreds of thousands of dollars donated to political campaigns and lobbyists that resist common-sense climate change regulation and perpetuate the harmful burning of fossil fuels. Jim Grech continues to mislead the public about the true nature of coal production through misinformation campaigns that promote disproven technological solutions. 

  • Birthday: 1961

    Hometown: Unknown

    Primary residence: Unknown 

    Current role: President and CEO of Peabody Energy (June 2021-present)

    Net worth: At least $25 million (WealthX)

    Salary: $5.9 million 


    • BS in Electrical Engineering from Lawrence Technical University (1979-1983)

    • MBA from the University of Michigan-Dearborn (1987-1991)

    • Executive development program of the Wharton Business School 

    Board memberships, affiliations, and roles:

    Past roles: 

    • CEO of Wolverine Fuels LLC (July 2018 - June 2021)

    • President of Nexus Gas Transmission (October 2016 - July 2018)

    • At Consol Energy:

      • Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer (January 2013 - April 2016)

      • Senior Vice President of Marketing & Transportation Operations (January 2005 - December 2012)

      • Vice President of CNX Gas Northern Region Operations & Energy Marketing (January 2003 - December 2004)

      • Vice President of Business Development (November 2001 - December 2002)

    • Vice President of DTE Energy (January 1985 - October 2001)

  • Major production of harmful fossil fuels

    • Coal is one of the worst-emitting fossil fuels in the world, and as the lead producer in the US, Peabody Energy is responsible for the carbon dioxide and toxic chemicals released from their products.

    • Between 1999 and 2020, pollution from coal-fired power plants was responsible for 460,000 deaths in the United States

    Lobbying for expanded fossil fuel production

    • Under Jim Grech’s leadership, Peabody energy has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars a year lobbying governments in the United States to invest and approve the development of coal energy. 

    Lobbying against climate action

    • In addition to campaigning for coal expansion, Peabody Energy lobbies against climate legislation and environmental campaigns from the EPA. 

    • Peabody Energy was a major funder for a campaign equating the EPA to terrorists during their development of the affordable energy campaign.

    • Peabody Energy has funded many anti-climate lobbying groups such as the American Legislative Exchange Council and the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. Both organizations use under-the-table tactics to influence policy on the State and Federal level in opposition to emissions reduction measures and environmental protection. 

    Climate misinformation campaigns

    • Peabody Energy has funded dozens of climate misinformation groups including front groups and think tanks that receive additional funding from other climate denialists such as the Koch brothers. These groups have been described as the “heart and soul” of climate denial in America and have seen extensive support from Peabody Energy

    • Peabody Energy has a history of making false claims related to the climate as well. Telling the U.S. government that carbon dioxide is “a benign gas that is essential for all life” and that “While the benefits of carbon dioxide are proven, the alleged risks of climate change are contrary to observed data, are based on admitted speculation, and lack adequate scientific basis.”

    Endangerment of workers

    • Jim Grech’s net worth is at least $25 million and as last estimated his total yearly compensation is $5.9 million. 17% of his compensation is from his salary while 83% is from bonuses such as company stock, he directly owns 0.13% of Peabody Energy’s shares which are worth $3.88 million. 

    • Peabody Energy is the leading coal producer in the United States, particularly focused on the extraction of coal through mining. 

    • Peabody’s 17 coal mines are located throughout the United States and Australia and sell to electrical and industrial customers across 26 nations. 

    • Because of its vested interest in the continued sale of coal products, Peabody Energy has a history of interfering with government regulation of carbon emissions and energy production. 

    • Peadbody promotes the false narrative of “clean” coal technologies and funds a multitude of climate skepticism and denial organizations. 

    • Peabody’s Statement on Climate Change acknowledges the call for net-zero emissions by 2050 and emphasizes the need for carbon capture technologies to make that happen.

    • Peabody Energy has been attacked by many environmental organizations including the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council. In Peabody Energy’s 2016 SWOT Analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat), concerns about environmental groups were addressed. “With environmental organizations placing increasing pressure on heavily polluting industries, companies such as Peabody are coming under heavy criticism. Coal is one of the most polluting sources for energy as it emits high levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxides.” They also expressed concerns about complying with stricter environmental laws. 

    • In response to environmental concerns, Peabody Energy says they practice responsible coal mining and advanced coal use. According to Peabody Energy, responsible coal mining includes: conducting comprehensive baseline studies of local ecosystems before mining begins to reduce potential environmental impacts; maximize resource recovery and conserve energy, reduce water use, reduce waste, and implement recycling; restoring, monitoring, and maintaining areas disturbed by mining. Advanced coal use consists of: supporting advanced coal technologies to drive improvement towards a near-zero emission of coal; engaging in research to advance low-emission technologies.

    • “We continue to strengthen our sustainability programs, take steps to better support the environmental targets of our stakeholders, and balance the strategic development of coal assets within our portfolio with our emerging renewables projects and our greenhouse gas emission reduction goals.” –Grech

Connections within the Polluter Industrial Complex

What is the Polluter Industrial Complex?

    • Since 2023, Jim Grech has been a voting committee member on the Surface Transportation Board’s Rail Energy Transportation Advisory Committee

      • This committee provides recommendations and holds discussions on the transportation of energy resources including coal. 

    • Peabody Energy’s affiliates and PACs donated $123,627 to political campaigns or election organizations in 2022. 

      • The Peabody Energy PAC donated $55,000 to the congressional leadership fund in 2022. 

    • The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) is a Super PAC dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives. 

      • The CLF is closely associated with former Speaker of the House John Boehner, Paul D. Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy. It runs ads both in support of or in opposition to candidates. 

      • In 2022, the CLF spent over $240 million, 84% of which was expenditures on media with the remainder on campaign expenses, strategy and research, and fundraising. 

      • In 2022, the CLF spent 90% of its independent expenditures, communication costs, and coordinated expenses against Democrats, 8.8% in support of Republicans, and 1.16% against Republicans. 

      • The CLF is known for its bigoted and partially false media and advertisements. The CLF receives most of its donations from investment managers because of how the Republican party protects the tax advances that private equity firms and hedge funds enjoy like the carried interest loophole.

    • In 2014, in collaboration with Burson-Marsteller, one of the world’s largest PR firms, Peabody Energy created the PR campaign Advanced Energy for Life. This campaign attempted to shift the narrative from coal as a major global polluter to the solution to energy poverty in the developing world. Hoping to expand its reach into Asian and African markets and keep coal in the mainstream, this campaign simultaneously fought against legislation hoping to curb the release of greenhouse gasses. 

    • Burson-Marsteller has a rich history of setting up front groups to make harmful companies more digestible in global markets and famously assisted the tobacco company Philip Morris apply this same tactic in Asia.

    • In 2023, Peabody Energy spent $580,000 on US government lobbying after a consistent downward trend in lobbying expenses since 2018. Since 1998, Peabody Energy has spent $47,082,280 on lobbying, with a peak of $5,870,000 in 2008. 

    • Fred Palmer, Peabody Energy’s Senior Vice-President for Global Relations from 2001 to 2015, is a climate denialist with a history of lobbying. Palmer is an energy and climate policy adviser at the Heartland Institute (led by James M. Taylor, another 2024 Climate Criminal). 

      • Palmer strongly opposed Obama’s climate change plan and opposed the EPA’s limits on carbon pollution. 

    • According to F Minus’s lobbying database, lobbyists for Peabody Energy include:

      • Matt Nugen

      • Wendy Lowe

      • G Berry Corp

      • Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP

      • Michael R Gibbons

      • Tricia A Workman 

    • Peabody Energy also pays lobbyists from Ogilvy Government Relations, a large lobbying firm that also represents clients such as the American Petroleum Institute, American Investment Council, and Dell Technologies. Lobbyists for Peabody Energy include:

      • Chris Giblin

      • Conrad A Lass

      • Moses Mercado

    • In 2023, The Schall Law Firm said it would be investigating claims on behalf of Peabody Energy’s investors for violations of securities laws. 

      • The investigation looked at whether or not the company gave false statements or failed to disclose information to investors after a fire in Peabody Energy’s Shoal Creek Mine.

    • In 2020, a class action lawsuit was filed against Peabody Energy by Kahn Swick and Charles C. Foti. 

      • Peabody Energy was charged with failing to disclose material information, this violated federal security laws following a fire in one of Peabody Energy’s mines in North Goonyella.

    • In 2016, Peabody Energy filed for bankruptcy and, because of this, many of their previously hidden donations from 2014 to 2015 were made public. 

    • In 2015, there was an investigation into the company by the New York Attorney General that found Peabody misled its investors about financial risks posed to the company due to climate change regulations. 

      • Peabody continuously denied the negative effects this would have on business and as a result, Peabody Energy had to revise its financial disclosures with the Securities and Exchange Commission to reflect the potential impact of climate change legislation on its business practices.

    • Peabody Energy donated $500,000 to the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources in 2023 to support carbon engineering and management. 

    • Jim Grech attended the University of Michigan, Lawrence Technological University, and trained at the Wharton Business School. 

    • Peabody Energy is a part of the National Mining Association which represents the interests of the U.S. mining industry. 

    • Jim Grech sits on the board of America’s Power, which is an organization that advocates for coal-based electricity generation and is led by Michelle Bloodworth, another 2024 Climate Criminal. 

    • It is a part of the Wyoming Mining Association, New Mexico Mining Association, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as well as various State and Regional Chambers of Commerce.