Lawson Bader is the President and CEO of DonorsTrust and its sister organization, Donors Capital Fund. As a donor-advised fund, DonorsTrust manages tax-deductible charitable donations of its clients, keeping identities of original donors anonymous. DonorsTrust redirects funds to  think tanks, trade associations, and advocacy organizations that work to prevent climate policy and continue to spread misinformation about the climate crisis. Bader is deeply entrenched in the Koch-funded right-wing think tank and philanthropic worlds, with current connections to and previous employment at a handful of the top climate denial organizations, including the Atlas Network, the State Policy Network, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Mercatus Center. 

Lawson bader

ceo of donorstrust & donors capital fund 

  • Birthday: August 29, 1966

    Hometown: San Francisco Bay Area

    Primary residence: Washington, DC

    Current role: President & CEO of DonorsTrust / Donors Capital Fund 

    Net worth: Unknown

    Compensation: 2022 salary: $387,750; other = $59,493


    • BA in political science & government from Wheaton College (1988) 

    • MA in government & public policy from Johns Hopkins University (2000) 

    Board memberships, affiliations, and roles:

    • Board member of the State Policy Network (October 2016-present)

    • Board member of the Atlas Network (September 2016-present)

      • Brad Lips (CEO of the Atlas Network) is on the board of Donors Capital Fund  

    • Board member of Oakseed Ministries International

    Past roles: 

    Fun facts: 

    • Bader is active on X at the account @LibertynKilts. His bio reads: “Kilted traveler, whiskied up irreverent Presbyterian, single engine cloud chaser with authority issues.”

  • Lawson Bader operates at the helm of DonorsTrust, known as the “dark money ATM of the conservative movement.” According to Bader’s LinkedIn, he manages “over $1.4 billion in assets and distributes over $150 million in grants annually.” He is also “responsible for cultivating and maintaining relationships with donors, grantees, partners, and stakeholders” and supporting and collaborating “with other organizations advancing the principles of a free society such as the State Policy Network and the Atlas Network,” where he serves as a board member. 

    As a donor-advised fund, DonorsTrust manages the charitable donations of its clients, keeping the identities of original donors anonymous. Donors technically don’t have the final say in where their money goes, but in practice, they dictate the destination of donations. In return for ceding this control, they receive bigger tax write-offs than if they were to donate through family foundations because of DonorsTrust’s status as a 501(c)(3) public charity. According to Mother Jones, “Rich folks can give to Donors Trust and rest easy knowing that their millions will continue bankrolling the conservative movement long into the future, even after their dea​​th. They don’t have to worry that, after they die, their heirs and trustees will use their bucks for causes they would never support.” 

    In 2022, DonorsTrust redirected $134 million to right-wing groups. According to the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), DonorsTrust’s sister organization, Donors Capital Fund, is losing funds and as of November 2023 only had $9.1 million in assets. In 2022, DonorsTrust’s largest grant of $9 million went to Consumers’ Research, which Will Hild, another alleged climate criminal, leads. CMD published all of DonorsTrust’s 2022 grantmaking to climate deniers, right-wing media, right-wing litigation, the State Policy Network, and other categories here. DonorsTrust is also the largest known funder of American white nationalist hate groups. 

    In 2021, DonorsTrust received two donations of over $425 million, which were some of the largest donations to a group with political connections. The donors of these massive gifts remained anonymous. Hailey Fuchs for Politico said these donations were “just the latest and one of the more remarkable illustrations of the opaque financing of the current political ecosystem.” DonorsTrust then funneled this money to various conservative groups, including $17.1 million to The 85 Fund, founded by Leonard Leo, the conservative donor and co-chairman of the Federalist Society who significantly influenced Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nomination process. 

    Between 2014 and 2020, DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund gave $20,557,882 to organizations that promoted climate denial. During this period, the two funds together funneled $13.3 million to the Heartland Institute. 

    Bader has long been engaged in alleged climate criminal activities. In 2014, Bader signed a Cornwall Alliance declaration called “Protect the Poor: Ten Reasons to Oppose Harmful Climate Change Policies.” Some key quotes from the declaration, highlighted by DeSmog, are: 

    • “Earth’s temperature naturally warms and cools cyclically throughout time, and warmer periods are typically more conducive to human thriving than colder periods.”

    • “While human addition of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), to the atmosphere may slightly raise atmospheric temperatures, observational studies indicate that the climate system responds more in ways that suppress than in ways that amplify CO2’s effect on temperature, implying a relatively small and benign rather than large and dangerous warming effect.”

    • “Rising atmospheric CO2 benefits all life on Earth by improving plant growth and crop yields, making food more abundant and affordable, helping the poor most of all.”

    • “Abundant, affordable, reliable energy, most of it now and in the foreseeable future provided by burning fossil fuels, which are the primary source of CO2 emissions, is indispensable to lifting and keeping people out of poverty.”

    • “Mandatory reductions in CO2 emissions, pursued to prevent dangerous global warming, would have little or no discernible impact on global temperatures, but would greatly increase the price of energy and therefore of everything else. Such policies would put more people at greater risk than the warming they are intended to prevent, because they would slow, stop, or even reverse the economic growth that enables people to adapt to all climates. They would also harm the poor more than the wealthy, and would harm them more than the small amount of warming they might prevent.”

  • Lawson Bader’s total compensation in 2022 was $447,243. Working as a foot soldier in the Koch-funded network provides job security and economic affluence.

  • DonorsTrust receives donations and redirects them to think tanks, trade associations, and advocacy organizations that work to prevent climate policy and spread disinformation through right-wing media. 

    While elected officials are beholden to their constituents and private companies cater to their shareholders, philanthropies have greater flexibility. The Yale Environment Review wrote that though it is impossible to tell if Koch and ExxonMobil continue to fund the climate countermovement and misinformation campaigns, in the same time period that “Koch and Exxon’s public contributions dwindled, contributions to DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund increased.” This leads one to believe that DonorsTrust and other donor-advised funds continue to do the fossil fuel industry's bidding. 

  • In previous efforts to increase the transparency of conservative philanthropy, Bader has been written about in publications like DeSmog and LittleSis. DonorsTrust was listed as the top nonprofit climate denial funder from 2014 to 2020 by the Center for Media and Democracy

    • “When the American philanthropic sector does less, the government does more. This means that the voluntary becomes involuntary” – Bader, 2022 

Connections within the Polluter Industrial Complex

What is the Polluter Industrial Complex?

  • In 2022, DonorsTrust gave $16.5 million to organizations on the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 advisory board. This reveals that DonorsTrust is indirectly working to shape the policy agenda of the next conservative presidential administration. 

    Bader himself has worked for the government as well, starting his career as a special assistant at the US Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs

    • Lawson Bader used to be the Vice President of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, a conservative think tank referred to by Greenpeace as a “Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group.” Charles Koch is on the Board of Directors of GMU, and the Mercatus Center is a member of the State Policy Network. Brian Hooks, another 2024 Climate Criminal, is on the board of the Mercatus Center. 

    • Between 2014 & 2020, DonorsTrust gave $13.3 million to the Heartland Institute, notorious for its climate denial and led by James M. Taylor, another 2024 Climate Criminal.

    • Bader is a board member for both the State Policy Network and the Atlas Network, two vast conservative think tank networks. 

      • In 2022, DonorsTrust funneled about $9 million to the State Policy Network, including $75,000 specifically for work on donor privacy. 

      • Between 1993 and 2022, DonorsTrust gave $48,822,027 to the State Policy Network, making it the Network’s top donor. 

    • DonorsTrust also gave money to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, where Bader was president from 2012 to 2015. The former Executive Director of the CEI, Gregory Conko, is a senior director of programs at DonorsTrust. 

    • Kimberly Dennis, cofounder and chairman of DonorsTrust, is on the board of the Property and Environmental Research Center (PERC), an organization that aims to advance “a world with healthy land, water, and wildlife.” 

  • Lawson Bader and DonorsTrust are deeply entrenched in the Koch funding circle. 

    Kimberly O. Dennis is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. She is also the President and CEO of the Searle Freedom Trust. James Piereson, the Vice Chairman, is the president of the William E. Simon Foundation. 

    The Bradley Impact Fund, another donor-advised fund, has been funding groups working to change election laws. According to Mother Jones, DonorsTrust funneled at least $12 million to the Bradley Impact Fund in 2022. In an email, Bader wrote: “Grants from one DAF provider to another are infrequent and certainly not nefarious.” DAF to DAF giving, however, effectively launders donations so the identity of the donor is virtually untraceable.

    • The Founding President of DonorsTrust was Whitney Ball. Before founding DonorsTrust, Ball was the Executive Director for The Philanthropy Roundtable and the Director of Development at the Cato Institute.