ConocoPhillips is a fossil fuel company that specializes in crude oil and is led by CEO and Chairman Ryan Lance. In 2023, ConocoPhillips produced over 1.8 billion barrels globally of oil equivalent per day and released 16 million tonnes of GHG emissions in 2022. Both Lance and the company have ties with many influential groups, including the American Petroleum Institute and the US Chamber of Commerce, which have ties to the Koch Network. ConocoPhillips has spearheaded the Willow Project, which will be the “largest oil drilling project in the US to date” and will generate enough oil to release 9.2 trillion metric tons of carbon pollution a year and 180,000 barrels of oil daily. Ryan Lance has profited heavily from his alleged climate crimes with a net worth of over $170M and a salary of over $19 million in 2022, partial ownership of a Dassault Falcon 2000 Plane, and multiple properties (Wealth X). Ryan Lance is a true climate criminal and deserves his spot in our Hall of Shame. 

Ryan lance

ceo of conocophillips

  • Birthday: May 21, 1962

    Hometown: Butte, MT

    Primary residence: 22819 Parkwalk Ln, Katy, TX 77494

    Current role: Chairman and CEO of ConocoPhillips (2012-present)

    Net worth: At least $170M (WealthX)

    2023 compensation: $20.7 million according to the Wall Street Journal

    Education: Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Montana (1984)

    Board memberships, affiliations, and roles (data from WealthX)

    • Member of Business Roundtable 

    • Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    • Member of The Business Council

    • Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers

    • Director of Freeport-McMoRan 

    • Director of the Independent Petroleum Association of America 

    • Director of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

    • Director of the Montana Tech Foundation 

    • Director of the Yellowstone Park Foundation

    • Director of the Greater Houston Partnership 

    • Committee Member of the American Petroleum Institute 

    • Ambassador of Spindletop charities

    • Trustee of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation

    • Trustee of United Way of Greater Houston, Texas

    • Trustee of the Professional Golfers’ Association of America

    • Trustee of the University of St. Andrews

    • Advisory board member of the Energy Institute of the University of Texas at Austin

    • Advisory board member at the University of Houston

    Past roles (data from WealthX) 

    • Former roles at ConocoPhillips:

      • Senior VP of Exploration and Production-International (2009)

      • Senior VP of Technology (2006)

      • President of Downstream Strategy, Integration and Specialty Functions (2005)

      • President of Asia Pacific Exploration and Production (2003)

      • VP of Lower 48 (2002)

    • General Manager of Phillips Petroleum Company (2001-2002)

    • Manager of Vastar Resources (1996-1998)

    • VP of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) Alaska (1984-2001)

    Fun facts: 

    • In April of 2023, Lance and his wife donated $31 million to the Montana Technological University, which is three times more than any gift the institution has ever received

    • Lance put himself through college by working on oil rigs in Wyoming

  • ConocoPhillips produced 673 million barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2021 and has an estimated short-term expansion (over the next 1-7 years) of 3,674 million barrels of oil equivalent. In 2023, ConocoPhillips produced over 1.8 billion barrels of oil equivalent per day and released 16 million tonnes of GHG emissions in 2022. 

    Many of Ryan Lance’s affiliations with ConocoPhillips have received low scores by InflunceMap because of their fossil fuel-related engagement.

    • API received a score of F and has directly advocated for the Willow Project through a letter led by Lisa Murkowski to the Bureau of Land Management in Alaska.

    • The US Chamber of Commerce received a score of E- and advocated for the Willow Project through a letter by Lisa Murkowski to the Bureau of Land Management in Alaska.

    • Business Roundtable received a score of D+ and praised the Biden Administration’s support for the Willow Project on X

      • Lance is a board member 

    • The National Association of Manufacturers received a score of E and advocated for the Willow Project through a letter by Lisa Murkowski to the Bureau of Land Management in Alaska.

    The Willow Project

    ConocoPhillips has been approved to begin constructing the Willow project in Alaska, estimated to be the “largest oil drilling project in the US to date.” The company bought leases to the land in the 1990s and found oil in 2017. In 2020, the Trump administration’s Department of the Interior approved the project but faced legal resistance from environmental groups in 2021. Despite this resistance, the Biden Administration approved the project and lowered the number of drill sites from 5 to 3 to appease environmental groups.

    The Willow Project will generate enough oil to release 9.2 trillion metric tons of carbon pollution annually and 180,000 barrels of oil daily. With this approval, ConocoPhillips may begin drilling in 13 million acres (or over 200 oil wells) in the National Petroleum Reserve located in Alaska’s North Slope and 3 million acres in the Beaufort Sea. The company announced that the project has the potential to generate $17 billion in revenue and create “2,500 construction jobs and roughly 300 permanent jobs.” A report by CAP found that the “lifetime emissions from oil and gas produced at Willow would ‘dwarf’ the climate benefits from wind, solar and offshore wind projects.”

    The Willow Project is near the village of Utqiagvik and the town of Nuiqsuit, both home to Indigenous communities. Residents of the area, as well as Mayor Rosemary Ahtuangaruak, have expressed great concern over the impact that the Willow Project will have on their quality of life and on the Lake Caribou herd, a large food source for the community. Native Movement, an organization founded by Indigenous peoples from Alaska, has argued that ConocoPhillips and other developers of the Project haven’t done adequate research on its environmental, health, and social impacts.

    Chevron Corporation, et al., Petitioners v. City of Hoboken, NJ, et al.

    The city of Hoboken, NJ recently filed a lawsuit against the big oil and gas corporations, including ConocoPhillips, Chevron, BP, ExxonMobil, and API. The lawsuit accused the major oil and gas companies of misleading the public and covering up information regarding climate change and its effects on the community. The area has experienced extreme weather patterns due to climate change, most notably Hurricane Sandy, which cost the city $100M in damage. The Supreme Court permitted the case to be tried in State court, despite pushback from the lead lawyer representing the oil companies, Ted Boutrous. 

    ConocoPhillips was represented by the law firms Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi and McCarter & English.

  • Ryan Lance has a net worth of at least $170 million and his total compensation in 2022 was $19,972,339, with a base salary of $1,685,833. Lance is a partial owner of a Dassault Falcon 2000 plane, estimated to be worth roughly $1 million, and he owns property in Pebble Beach, CA, estimated to be worth $13 million. Lance has $2 million in shares in Freeport-McMoRan, $11.5 million in shares in ConocoPhillips, and $140 million in previous salaries, bonuses, and investments (WealthX).

    Lance is involved with several nonprofit organizations, including the Yellowstone Park Foundation, Montana Tech Foundation, Spindletop International, and the University of Houston (WealthX).

    Philanthropic Donations (WealthX):

    • 2023: $31 million to Montana Technological University 

    • 2015: $1 million to Montana Tech of the Univ. of Montana 

    • Undisclosed amounts in 2018 and $200+ in 2017 to National Fish & Wildlife Foundation

    • 2013: $10,000to Yellowstone Park Foundation 

    Ryan Lance has earned several awards throughout his career. In 2021, Lance received Montana Technological University's first Chancellor’s Award of Distinction and the McLane Leadership in Business award from the Mosbacher Institute.

  • Ryan Lance is the Chairman and CEO of ConocoPhillips, a crude oil company featured among the Fortune 500 companies. Lance is directly connected to the production part of the fossil fuel commodity chain and has strong ties with other large oil companies, politicians, and major banks

    2,182 investors have invested a total of $110,774M in ConocoPhillips. Top investors in ConocoPhillips include: 

    • Vanguard – $11.824B in total investments

    • BlackRock – $9.979B

    • Capitol Group – $8.832B

    • State Street – $6.403B

    • JPMorgan Chase – $5.691B

    ConocoPhillips releases annual sustainability reports, but the language used by the company doesn't overlap with the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Despite claims to transition towards more sustainable practices, the company’s Willow Project directly goes against the IPCC’s “recommendations that advise against the incompatibility of new fossil fuel projects with the 1.5°C goal.” In 2020, ConocoPhillips ramped up its climate goals, but there’s limited evidence of how these new goals for “35-45% reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity by 2030 and for net zero by 2050” will be achieved.

  • ConocoPhillips has faced significant backlash from the environmental movement for its role in the polluter industrial complex. The company has received the most criticism for its controversial Willow Project. Climate activists went viral on TikTok for their posts to the #StopWillow campaign, which featured direct attacks at ConocoPhillips. The #StopWillow campaign has gained traction online, receiving over 88 million views in April 2023 alone. Protect the Arctic created a petition demanding that the Biden Administration halt the Project, receiving over 5 million signatures. Young climate activists have also sent millions of letters to President Biden.

    Many leaders of environmental organizations have taken public stances on the Willow Project. For example, the president of Earthjustice, Abigail Dillen, said that “we are too late in the climate crisis to approve massive oil and gas projects that directly undermine the new clean economy that the Biden Administration committed to advancing.” The executive director of Evergreen Action, Lena Moffitt, directed a message to the Biden Administration saying that “approving the Willow Project is an unacceptable departure from President Biden’s promises to the American people on climate and environmental justice.

    • “[The Willow Project] fits within the Biden administration’s priorities on environmental and social justice.” -Ryan Lance, 2023

    • “We are going to go through an energy transition, so eventually there will be a peak in demand” and “The world is demanding action on climate. We understand that. But we also understand that there’s going to be a need for fossil fuels” -Ryan Lance, 2020

    • “Even if you subscribe to the 2 degree Celsius change, by 2050, 60 to 70 percent of the world's energy demand is still going to be filled by fossil fuels. So you know, to be—to be in a position to even have cheap, affordable energy around the world, we've got to figure out how to do that sustainably. You can't—there is no pathway that I've seen by anybody that would suggest that renewables gets us there by 2040. It takes a century to turn over an energy system in the globe today” -Ryan Lance, 2015

Connections within the Polluter Industrial Complex

What is the Polluter Industrial Complex?

  • ConocoPhillips Political Connections

    • Kevin Meyer who acted as Alaska’s Lieutenant Governor from 2018-2022 worked at ConocoPhillips for 39 years directly before assuming his position.

      • While serving as a state senator before his position as Lieutenant Governor Meyer was receiving $100,000-$200,000 per year from ConocoPhillips as an “investment recovery coordinator

    • Ben Stevens was the Chief of Staff to Mike Dunleavy, the current governor of Alaska, from 2019-2022.

      • He left his role as Chief of Staff to become VP of External Affairs and Transportation at ConocoPhillips Alaska

    • Caroline Schultz is another individual who worked closely with Gov. Dunleavy before assuming a role at ConocoPhillips Alaska.

      • Schultz worked as the Government Affairs Director for ConocoPhillips Alaska and it was reported that Ben Stevens was her boss when she initially began the role.

    • Patty Sulivan served as Gov. Dunleavy’s Deputy Press Secretary from September 2021 to June 2022 and had served as the Senior Communications Advisor for ConocoPhillips Alaska directly before assuming her role with the governor.

      • Sullivan is now the Director of Communications for the State of Alaska Department of Law. Her department has been a driving intervention against the lawsuits filed by environmentalists against the approval of the Willow Project.

    Political Donations (WealthX)

    • Lance donates primarily to Republican candidates; his lifetime giving exceeds $75,000

    • Political Recipients 

      • Lisa Murkowski (R)

        • 2021 - $5,800

        • 2016 - $2,000 

        • 2015 - $2,400

        • 2013 - $1,000

        • Lifetime environmental score: 21%

        • Murkowski has provided “unwavering support” for the Willow Project

          • Murkowski has supported Tommy Beaudreau as nominee for Interior Deputy Secretary

            •  Beaurdeau asked to be the “point person” during the approval of the Willow Project

      • Joe Manchin (D)

        • $2,900 in 2021

        • 2021 environmental score: 85%

      • Steven Daines (R)

        • $2,800 in 2019

        • 2019 environmental score: 29%

      • John Cornyn (R)

        • $10,000 in 2021

          • 2021 environmental score: 24%

        • $10,000 in 2020

          • 2020 environmental score: 8%

        • $8,100 in 2018

          • 2018 environmental score: 7%

      • Mike Braun (R)

        • $48,000 in 2018

        • Lifetime environmental score: 10%

      • Heidi Heitkamp (D)

        • $5,400 in 2017

        • 2017 environmental score: 58%

      • Ryan Keith Zinke (R)

        • $5,000 in 2016, $2,900 in 2022

        • 2016 environmental score: 5%

      • Daniel Scott Sullivan (R)

        • $6,900 in 2014 

        • Lifetime environment score: 10%

        • Sullivan has provided “unwavering support” for the Willow Project

      • Mary Loretta Landrieu (D)

        • $2,500 in 2014

        • 2014 environmental score: 60%

      • Orrin Hatch (R)

        • $5,000 in 2012 

        • 2012 environmental score: 7%

    • Committee Recipients

      • ConocoPhillips Spirit PAC (March 2012-June2022)

      • Winred (donation payment platform for COP candidates and Committees)

      • American Petroleum Institute PAC: $5,000 on March 31, 2022

      • Take Back the House Texas 2022: $25,000 on November 16th, 2021

    • Connections to the Bush family

      • Trustee of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation 

      • Donations:

        • Jeb Bush (R)

          • $2,700 in 2015 

          • He raised over $9M from Oil and Gas via Super PACs for his presidential campaign

        • Pierce Bush (R)

          • $2,800 in 2020

  • ConocoPhillips has several PR firms, most of which are listed on Clean Creative’s F-List:

    • Hawker Britton

    • Carmichael Lynch

    • Campaign Edge Sprout

    In 2012, ConocoPhillips created Phillips 66 for their midstream and downstream assets. Phillips 66 has two PR firms featured on Clean Creative’s F-List:

    • Spring Green

    • Bailey Lauerman

  • ConocoPhillips 2024 Lobbying

    • $3,240,000 so far

      • All in the Oil & Gas industry

    • Listed “related organization”: DuPont Co

    • Hired Firms

      • ConocoPhillips

        • Lobbyists:

          • Kevin Avery

            • Former Legislative Counsel for U.S. Senator Mary L Landrieu (D-LA)

              • Ryan Lance sent Landrieu $2,500 in 2014

            • Former lobbyist for Marathon Oil

          • Kjersten Drager

            • Former Legislative Assistant to former Alaska U.S. Senator Frank Murkowski

              • Frank Murkowski is the father of Lisa Murkowski, who Ryan Lance donated $11,200 to between 2013-2021

              • Frank Murkowski’s lifetime environmental score: 9%

              • Lisa Murkowski’s lifetime environmental score: 21%

            • Former Staff Assistant for the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee

            • Former Special Assistant for the Vice President’s Office for Dick Cheney

            • Former Special Assistant for the Executive Office of the President for George W. Bush

              • Ryan Lance is a Trustee of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation and has donated to Jeb Bush and Pierce Bush(WealthX)

            • Former VP and Business Manager for BlueWater Strategies, another of ConocoPhillips’ lobbying firms

          • Gina Felton

      • Tauzin Strategic Networks: $75,000

      • Greenberg Traurig LLP: $60,000

        • Received a D from Law Students for Climate Accountability

        • Lobbyist:

          • Robert C. Jones

            • Former member of the Senate Appropriations Committee

            • Also lobbies for the American Petroleum Institute (API)

              • Lance is a Committee Member at API (WealthX)

      • Agencies lobbied by ConocoPhillips

        • Department of Energy

        • Department of the Interior

        • Environmental Protection Agency

        • Nuclear Regulatory Commission

        • Office of Management & Budget

    ConocoPhillips 2023 Lobbying

    • $7,860,000 spent in total

    • Hired firms

      • Lobbyists: Kevin J Avery, Kjersten Drager, and Gina Felton

      • Alston & Bird: $320,000

        • Received a D from Law Students for Climate Accountability

        • Lobbyists:

          • Earl Pomeroy

          • Mark Rayder

            • Worked as legislative advisor and aide for Congressmen

          • Bob Siggins

            • Former Chief of Staff for Earl Pomeroy

              • Earl Pomeroy lobbied for ConocoPhillips in 2023

            • Former Surface Warfare Officer for the Department of Navy

          • Carolyn E Smith

            • Worked on Congress’ Joint Taxation Committee

      • Greenberg Traurig LLP: $240,000

        • Lobbyists:

          • Robert C Jones

            • Former Counsel for the Senate Appropriations Committee

            • Former Legislative Assistant for Barbara A Mikulski

          • Albert R Wynn

            • Former member of Congress

            • Former member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee

            • Former member of Maryland’s General Assembly

      • BlueWater Strategies: $200,000

        • Lobbyists:

          • Jan M Brunner

            • Former member of the Department of Treasury

            • Former counsel for Congressman Dick Durbin

            • Former policy advisor for the Government of the United Kingdom Embassy

            • Former policy advisor for Shelley Moore Capito

            • Former counsel for Senate Environment & Public Works Committee

            • Former senior policy advisor for Joe Manchin

              • Ryan Lance sent Manchin $2,900 in 2021(WealthX)

          • Mckie Campbell

            • Former Deputy Chief of Staff for the Alaska Office of the Governor

            • Former Republican Staff Director of the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee

          • Jason Matthews

            • Former Chief of Staff for Mary L Landrieu

              • Ryan Lance sent Landrieu $2,500 in 2014(WealthX)

            • Former Director of Congressional/Public Affairs for the US Chamber of Commerce

            • Former lobbyist for BP America

          • Kyle Oliver

            • Former Chief Policy Advisor for Ralph Hall

      • Tauzin Strategic Networks: $250,000

    ConocoPhillips 2020 Lobbying

    • According to Climate of Denial “In the 2020 election cycle, ConocoPhillips donated over $1 million to the Senate Leadership Fund and Super PACS to fund climate denialist Republicans, like Donald Trump.”

    • According to Divest Oregon, the Oregon Treasury investment in ConocoPhillips reached $37.8 million in 2022, a large portion of this investment going toward the controversial Willow Project.

  • ConocoPhillips hired Greenberg Traurig LLP for $240,000 for lobbying in 2023 and sent the firm $60,000 in 2024. Law Students for Climate Accountability has given Greenberg Traurig LLP a score of D.

    ConocoPhillips hired Alston & Bird for $320,000 for lobbying in 2023, which Law Students for Climate Accountability gave a score of D


    • Kneeland Youngblood filed a lawsuit over claims to ancestral lands on which the Willow Project is being built, claiming that his family is being deprived of $900 million

      • Youngblood hired cousin, Stella Marks to represent the family in court along with a Houston-based lawyer

    • A lawsuit was filed by Hoboken, NJ against Big Oil and the American Petroleum Institute over extreme climate concerns.

    • A large issue brought up in the case was the many cases of greenwashing campaigns launched by Big Oil companies, including ConocoPhillips

  • ThinkTank Maths

    • ConocoPhillips signed an agreement with ThinkTank Maths, a think tank that seeks to “find insights in data that other AI cannot”, to help ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS to work on innovative technological support for “drilling operations in the Ekofisk field on the Norwegian continental shelf.”

    Climate Leadership Council (CLC)

    • ConocoPhillips is one of the founding members of the CLC, which “promotes the most effective, fair and politically viable climate solutions.”  

      • Other founding members:

        • BP

        • Calpine Corp.

        • Ford Motor Co

        • General Motors Co

        • Goldman Sachs Group

        • JPMorgan Chase & Co

        • Shell Oil Company

        • Total Energies

    Global Water Sustainability Center (GWSC)

    • ConocoPhillips has an internal research center for water-related technologies

    ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE2ST

    • A research center at Colorado School of Mines that seeks to “promote the joint sustainability of conventional energy production and water resources”

  • ConocoPhillips memberships with trade associations

    • American Petroleum Institute (API)

      • Ryan Lance is also a committee member (WealthX)

      • Has direct ties to the Koch Network

    • US Chamber of Commerce 

    • Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)

      • Nina Koch is listed as a key person for the Association in 2018 and 2019

    • Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA)

    • International Oil & Gas Producers Association (IOGP)

    • Business Roundtable (BRT)

      • Lance is a member as well (WealthX)

      • Has “some misalignments” with addressing methane emissions

    • National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)

    • American Exploration and Production Council (AXPC)

  • Ryan Lance graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Montana in 1984. Lance donated $31M in 2023 and $1M in 2015 to Montana Technological University and is a director of the Montana Tech Foundation (WealthX). In 2023, Montana Technical University announced that it was changing the name of the University's School of Mines & Engineering College to the Lance College of Mines & Engineering.

    Lance is also an advisory board member at the University of Houston (WealthX).