Coming soon:

Lifetime achievement awards

Some climate criminals are abominable enough to earn a place on our “Lifetime Achievement Awards” Hall of Shame. We’re currently working to identify these all-star climate criminals.

These climate criminals have been working to obstruct climate action, spread disinformation, and expand fossil fuel infrastructure for years and years, some for decades.

Our list so far includes the following individuals:

  1. Charles & David Koch (co-owners of Koch Industries) 

  2. Lee Raymond (CEO of ExxonMobil from 1995-2005)

  3. Myron Ebell (Director of Global Warming and International Environmental Policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute)

  4. Leonard Leo (Chairman of the board of directors of the Federalist Society)

  5. Barre Seid (major conservative donor)

  6. Patrick Michaels (scientist)

  7. Fred Singer (scientist)

  8. Antony Fisher (founder of the Atlas Network) 

  9. James Inhofe (US Senator)

  10. David MacLennan (former CEO of Cargill) 

  11. Rex Tillerson (CEO of ExxonMobil from 2006-2016 and secretary of state from 2017-2018)

  12. Joe Manchin (US Senator, D-WV)

  13. Rupert Murdoch (CEO of 21st Century Fox from 1979-2015)

  14. William Happer (physicist)

  15. Lisa Nelson (CEO of ALEC)

We are currently accepting nominations for individuals who should be included on this list.

Fill out this form to submit a nomination.